
BanseokBusiness Consulting

Selected as KOTRA’s official consulting partner

  • Market research: Differentiated local market research at basic, advanced, and professional stages
  • Marketing support: Brand promotion, finding new customers and managing existing customers, finding customized buyers for each item
  • Branchization project: Sprout enterprise expansion project, support for My Office activities and business partner cooperation support
  • Import and export support: Preparation, progress, follow-up management and event management for trade consultations, conferences, and exhibition-related events
  • Support for budding export companies: Supporting all-round export activities of companies entering Indonesia for the first time
  • Support for participation in exhibitions: Participation in local Yuma exhibitions and support for promotional matters
  • Support for local promotional activities: Localization of brand promotion and promotional materials through various channels such as local media and SNS
  • Marketability test: Local market marketability test of products desired for export (commercial sales)
  • Export contract support: One-stop service from buyer discovery to contract signing and mules
  • Opening stores in local distribution networks: Supporting opening stores in various distribution networks such as department stores, distribution channel specialty stores, and large discount stores
  • Technology export (partnership): Partner arrangement and technical meeting support related to technology export and partnership

Korean product import and sales agency

  • Direct import and local sales of Korean products
  • BPOM and Halal certification agency for importing Korean products
  • Korean product online sales agency (TOKOPEDIA / SHOPEE)